Microbial Connections
Did you know that you and in fact all living organisms collaborate with millions of tiny microbes every day? And that these microbes are essential for all living beings?
”Microbial Connections” explores the exciting new research field holobiont biology – where host organisms and their associated microbes are viewed as one intertwined system. The expert guests explore how viewing life in this new way stands to transform everything from food production to medical science. Learn how important early life is for shaping your microbiome, why fermented food is so popular, how food production can become more sustainable thanks to microbes, and much more.
Om podcasten
The podcast ”Microbial connections” is produced by Center for Evolutionary Hologenomics with assistance from Center for Online and Blended Learning. The podcast is generously funded by the Danish National Research Foundation. Contact: CEH@sund.ku.dk