Please Explain!
How curious are you about the world around you? There are so many questions, so much information available, but so little time to learn! And with no background knowledge, it can be quite daunting.
In this KU educational podcast, Helena and Anaëlle study scientific subjects they find interesting, and digest it into understandable stories they tell to each other. Stories range from important basic knowledge, such as antibiotic resistance and vaccines, to more trivial and fun interesting facts about the origins of snow and chocolate, and why your in-laws might make you sick. Each podcast is punctuated with honest opinions and advice on how to impact your life and other's positively. If you want to have fun while learning, this podcast is for you.
About the podcast
This podcast is produced by Anaelle Fait and Helena Augusta Katharina Leinweber both PhD-students at University of Copehagen.
Contact: anaelle.fait@sund.ku.dk /