The Climate Show

This podcast features leading experts insights on current climate change research.

At The Climate Show, we talk to leading experts on climate change law and politics. Through a series of conversations, we explore current developments in climate change research.

Podcast hosts: Beatriz Martinez Romera, Linnéa Nordlander and Alessandro Monti.

The Climate Show

About the podcast

The Climate Show is brought to you by the Faculty of Law at the University of Copenhagen

Contact: Beatriz Martinez Romera, Associate Professor on Environmental and Climate Change Law

Phone: +45 29700410

Textual versions

Episode 28 Beatriz Romera and Daniel Bodansky: The Art and Craft of International Environmental Law

Episode 27  Linnéa Nordlander and Annalisa Savaresi: Conceptualizing just transition litigation

Episode 26 Federica Catonini and Vito De Lucia: The BBNJ Agreement and the ocean-climate nexus

Episode 25 Beatriz Romera and John Paterson: Climate Change, Security and Equity: the Evolving Energy Trilemma

Episode 24 Beatriz Romera and David Freestone: Climate Change and the Ocean: ITLOS Advisory Opinion on Climate Change and the Decarbonization of Shipping

Episode 23 Johanna Bürkert and Romain Chuffart: Indigenous Rights and Climate Change in an Arctic Context

Episode 22 Stella Ebbersmeyer and Prof. Suzanne Lalonde: Climate Change and Arctic Shipping: A Canadian Perspective

Episode 21 Viktor Weber and Harilaos Psaraftis: The Role of Market-Based Measures in the Decarbonization of International Shipping

Episode 20 Justine Bendel and Christina Voigt: Compliance in the Climate Change Regime

Episode 19 Zhen Sun and Stella Ebbersmeyer: Arctic Shipping and Climate Change

Episode 18 Christina Voigt and Justine Bendel: Forests in the Climate Change Regime

Episode 17 Michael Tsimplis and Viktor Weber: Private Actors in the Decarbonization of Shipping

Episode 16 Carolyn Deere Birkbeck and Alessandro Monti: Enhancing Sustainability in International Trade (pdf)

Episode 15 Harro van Asselt: Governing Fossil Fuel Production in the Age of Climate Emergency (pdf)

Episode 14 Kees van der Geest and Linnea Nordlander: Loss and Damage (pdf)

Episode 13 Elena Cima: International Trade Law and Climate Change (pdf)

Episode 12 Martha Roggenkamp: Energy Law in the Era of Climate Change (pdf)

Episode 11 Randall Abate: Standing in Climate Change Litigation (pdf)

Episode 10 Bryce Rudyk: Small Islands Developing States (pdf)

Episode 9 David Boyd: The right to a healthy environment (pdf)

Episode 8 Daniel Bodansky: Climate action beyond the state (pdf)

Episode 7 Martin Dietrich Brauch: Climate change and international investment treaties (pdf)

Episode 6 Tristan Smith: Maritime transport GHG emissions (pdf)

Episode 5 Andreas Müller: An example of rights-based climate litigation: The Mex M. v. Austria case (pdf)

Episode 4 Jacques Hartmann: Rights-based climate change litigation in Europe (pdf)

Episode 3 Annalisa Savaresi: Trends in human rights and climate change litigation (pdf)

Episode 2 Jeff Colgan: Asset revaluation and climate change (pdf)

Episode 1 Dan Esty: Carbon pricing and the sustainability imperative (pdf)

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